Comparison Shopping Partners

Enabling consumers to compare features, opinions, and prices simultaneously, Bing Product Search provides cost-effective ways for you to target online shoppers at various points in the purchase funnel. With Bing Product Search, you can drive traffic to your sites for free-potentially displaying your online products to more than 93.6 million unique searchers making decisions with Bing. Merchants are eligible to participate in the Bing Product Search Program if their store is domiciled in the United States and transactions are conducted in U.S. Dollars (USD). Of course, all transactions must be legal and merchants must not sell illegal or restricted products.

Google Shopping (formerly Google Product Search) is a searchable and browsable shopping index tuned to finding products for sale online. Search results include price, brand, description, and, if available, a photograph. Product Search obtains listings for products from vendors and by scouring the web. When Google finds a page that appears to sell something, it feeds the information it collects to Google Shopping. Google Shopping is free for merchants to get listed, and merchants can also purchase sponsored links, which appear on the search results pages. is one of the leading online comparison shopping search engines and the third largest shopping destination on the web. GoECart partners with to help our customers reach millions of shoppers, generate more sales, and effectively manage our merchant’s marketing campaigns via Through, GoECart-powered solutions are exposed to more than 15 percent of all online shoppers.

Shopzilla is the largest and fastest-growing comparison shopping site on the net. With more than 25 million products from over 45,000 stores, if it’s on the web, it’s on Shopzilla. From air conditioners to zodiac charms, whatever you’re shopping for, Shopzilla has got you covered. GoECart’s relationship with ShopZilla qualifies our clients for special promotions on ShopZilla’s listings.